former child star Bonnie Andclyde (Alufukus Pissofficus), who has stolen the top spot in the Official HotmanColony Party girl poll from Paris Hilton, has an ulterior motive behind her celeb hobnobbing habits. Turns out the starlet, who has been spotted at all of Hollywood's A-List events is the Robin Hood of Hollywood!!! Miss Andclyde has perfected the technique of ensuring her fellow teen stars are suitably totaled and befuddled before she makes off with their shinies without the poor sods every knowing who when where or how. Imagine our surprise when our observant aunties took this shot at a recent party held in honour of Paris Hilton's 729th Sex tape going public.
Of course we had to share!!
....and incidently, what do you think our prodigy does with all this pilfered loot? Auction them off on ebay? Add them to her vast collection of bronze statuettes? Stash them in a safety deposit box as collatarol?
NO! she runs off and gives them to her favourite charities (e.g. Virginmary halfway home for underage drinkers) as annonymous donations.
Bless your heart Bonnie Andclyde, all thanks to you - another underage drinker: SAVED
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